Artist’s Journal
Art is not made in a singular moment, but is instead the crystallization of the artist’s entire existence up to the point of creation. Everything they are, they have done, they have seen - this forges the work. I endeavor here to show you what forms my vision.

Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters
This coffee shop just popped into my head out of nowhere almost 4 years later. Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe I’m just tired.

Chez Edgar - Gatinaeu, Québec, Canada
Mind blowing brunch amid cold, cold, slippery, icy, cold Canada last February. Can’t wait to go back.

Don't trample your passion by demanding too much from it.
Passion, like all fires, has to be carefully tended from the tiniest of embers. it has to be nurtured like a delicate sapling. If you demand a roaring blaze or the delicious fruits immediately, you’re going to destroy it.
I did.

Photo Archive Critique - Angel's Share - April 22, 2015.
To see where you’re going, it’s often best to look at where you’ve been. Take a look back into the archive with me and we’ll go over some pictures from my past and I’ll give you pointers on how they could be improved - Lean from my mistakes, and you won’t have to make them yourself.