Woosamonsa Ridge Preserve - Fall

This was my second visit to this lovely trail, after the first where I stumbled across it quite by accident. I’ll dive into that another time. For now, enjoy these images from a fall hike I had while my little boy snoozed away in the baby backpack.

These are all straight out of camera (SOOC) using, mostly using Fujifilm’s Velvia Film Emulation on the XH-2. They could all be further refined with some post production, espeically to boost contrast and add some dynamic darkening and lighting to guide the eye - but my objective with the Fuji was to spend a bit less time hemming and hawing over every image, and to just share more work. Woodland photography like this can be very challenging due to the busy nature of forest scenes, so focusing on honing down subject matter and creating pleasing compositions is more of my priority than fiddling with the images in post.

That said, if you really love one of these images and would like to see what I could do to push it further, do get in touch!

Any day spent hiking, making photos, and carrying my little bub is a great day.

Trail Management: Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space, FoHVOS,


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