Bowery Dugout - Penthouse

Dec. 6, 2019

Dec. 6, 2019

Bowery Dugout was recommended to me as “the best seafood in Kingston.”

I’m usually hesitant to take a person’s suggestion if they haven’t established themselves as having the same level of food snobbery as me, but I made an exception here because I was curious to try the place.

When we arrived, we saw two staircases leading away from the ground level.

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Up: “Penthouse”

Down: “Dugout”

We were in the mood for something a little snazzier than what sounded like a sports bar downstairs, so we went up to the Penthouse.

It was a pretty, quaint place. Popular with an older crowd, based on the patrons.

I’m trying to think of what one might call a place like this. Casual Fine Dining? It’s basically on par with Red Lobster, but a local variant.

Dishes are pretty basic - fish with a starch (like a baked potato or rice pilaf), preceded by a simple salad.

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The place isn’t bad, exactly. “Passable” is more accurate.

For the same money you spend here, you could have a phenomenal meal at Hotel Kinsley or Wilde-beest rather than the fairly mundane offering here.

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Can’t recommend it.

That said, I’m still willing to give the ‘Dugout’ part of it a chance.

Maybe they do a decent Fish ‘n’ Chips.

We’ll see.

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Oh, and for anyone keeping score: another regretted recommendation.


Stuff on my desk Dustin photographed


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