2017 Retrospective - January

2017 was a wonderful year for me. I had some of the biggest projects I've ever done, my business is growing, and best of all I got married and went on an incredible honeymoon. I traveled a lot more than I expected this year, and I'm planning to fill 2018 with even more growth in both my business and my travels. So, let's take a look at everything that happened.

I initially did an outline of the entire year, which was pretty lengthy. When I started to fill it out with photos I realized I'd have a hefty megapost on my hands, so I decided to split it up into months. You know I love a meal of several courses much more than a wild feast. Everything would get cold before you could get to it. Who wants that?

Let's get started:


Jan 1st - New Years & Visiting Buds

Sphere Crew at Erie Basin Park behind Ikea

Sphere Crew at Erie Basin Park behind Ikea

Alex and Annika visited for New Years from Finland. We watched the fireworks at Prospect Park. We hung out for several days while they were in town. The photo above is from Jan. 4th, when we went to Red Hook for reasons I cannot recall.

Jan 5th - Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

"Dancing Celestial Deity (Devata)" - Probably among the sexier statues in any museum.

"Dancing Celestial Deity (Devata)" - Probably among the sexier statues in any museum.

The detail and lighting in this temple get me every time.

The detail and lighting in this temple get me every time.

We spotted this Doyle awning and Annika instructed me and Dustin to stand under it for this IG photo.

We spotted this Doyle awning and Annika instructed me and Dustin to stand under it for this IG photo.

The crew wanted to take off after about two hours, I still wanted to see the whole rest of the museum. I don't know why I don't ever just go by myself so I can spend the whole day there. There's a lesson in there that I can't seem to internalize. 

Jan 13th - Winter Trip to Vermont!

13th - 15th. Winter Vermont Trip. Stopped in Hudson on the way up. Cooked prime rid and yorkshire pudding. Was not impressed with the prime rib, given how expensive it was. I suspect I failed in cooking it somehow.

I didn't take many photos this time around, but I really loved this trio of birch trees and the light was just right. The background is too distracting for it to be a great image, though.

I didn't take many photos this time around, but I really loved this trio of birch trees and the light was just right. The background is too distracting for it to be a great image, though.

I was excited to put my hammock insulation to the test. It was pretty cozy.

I was excited to put my hammock insulation to the test. It was pretty cozy.

Meredith managed to get a photo of me snowshoeing through the yard taking photos.

Meredith managed to get a photo of me snowshoeing through the yard taking photos.

Jan 19th - First Vlog attempt of the year

I made a video about photographing an apartment. I never edited it together, so it hasn't seen the light of day.

I made a video about photographing an apartment. I never edited it together, so it hasn't seen the light of day.

Late January - Edited tons of photos from 2016

Autumn is the ever faithful laptop editing helper.

Autumn is the ever faithful laptop editing helper.

Jan 31st - Winter photos in Glendale.

This shot was a lot of fun to make. I wanted a background on which the snow would show up. I used a circular polarizer to remove the glare from the pavement and make it the deep black color you see here.

This shot was a lot of fun to make. I wanted a background on which the snow would show up. I used a circular polarizer to remove the glare from the pavement and make it the deep black color you see here.

One thing people really love out NYC is its grittiness, and I felt that right on this train bridge. But there's also some really nice trees here that are beautiful all year round. So I really like this little spot for that. Fun fact: This has actual…

One thing people really love out NYC is its grittiness, and I felt that right on this train bridge. But there's also some really nice trees here that are beautiful all year round. So I really like this little spot for that. Fun fact: This has actually been cleaned up significantly and now houses and outdoor gallery with artwork by the Greater Ridgewood Youth Counsel.

There's a nice little park just a few blocks from my house, just to the left of the frame here. In order to get there, I walk under this rail bridge and out to this little curve in the road. The curve here is really pleasant and I always enjoy it wh…

There's a nice little park just a few blocks from my house, just to the left of the frame here. In order to get there, I walk under this rail bridge and out to this little curve in the road. The curve here is really pleasant and I always enjoy it when I'm driving around this corner, so I wanted to capture that here.

Here was I was going for an image that wasn't so obviously new york, but could be anywhere in the northeast on a nice snowy day.

Here was I was going for an image that wasn't so obviously new york, but could be anywhere in the northeast on a nice snowy day.

Similarly here, I wanted a little more nature focus and less gritty city, so I got in close to this hedge to make this image of snow covered needles.

Similarly here, I wanted a little more nature focus and less gritty city, so I got in close to this hedge to make this image of snow covered needles.

Took some winter photos near Evergreen Park on the border of Ridgewood and Glendale, Queens. This is right around the corner from my house, and I think this was the first snow of the year in new york city that year. Or it may have just been the first time it snowed that I actually went outside. I was very excited to take the pictures and I think I posted some on instagram, but most of them sat around in Lightroom until December, when I finally wanted some more snowy pictures.

That's it for January 2017. Tune in next time for February :)


2017 Retrospective - February


Dungeon Beach